Fast-Track-to-TPP-600x467American trade policy should strengthen, not weaken, the health, environment, food sovereignty, working conditions, labor rights, and transparent, competitive market principles of this country and all countries.

WORC’ s Trade Bill of Rights outlines basic fair trade principles, including

  • The right of countries to preserve family farms and promote global food security.
  • Strong labor, environmental and public health standards.
  • Fair and democratic negotiations processes that allow for public input by the very people affected by the agreements.

News from Fair Trade

nafta is a bad deal for farmers

Four Reasons Why NAFTA 2.0 is a Bad Deal

We still have time to make it work for rural America, if we act now. Today, the United States, Mexico, and Canada formally signed a…

lower piney heirloom vegetable gardens; clearmont; wyoming; local growers;

This is what changing the dominant narrative on our food systems looks like.

Welcome to Homegrown Stories’ new website. We’re excited to announce the launch of our new Homegrown Stories website! The team made significant changes to the…

struggling family farms

The Farm Bill Farce: Corporate ag reports huge profits while farmers struggle to feed their families

This piece was originally drafted by the Campaign for Family Farms and the Environment and published in The Hill. Congress is debating the wrong parts…